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7 effective techniques to move forward in your career when you feel stuck

Written by: Stephen Pamnani, Recruitment Account Manager
Published on: 20 Apr 2023

career growth

Feeling career-stuck can be especially distressing for legal professionals. However, there are always ways to make progress and advance your career. Here are seven effective ways to do just that:

1.  Re-evaluate your goals and values: As a legal professional, it's important to reflect on your goals and values and ensure that your career choices align with them. Do you have a plan in place to accomplish your long-term goals? If not, make the required adjustments to lead yourself in the right path.

2.  Network: Building strong relationships in the legal industry is crucial. Attend conferences, reach out to colleagues or mentors for advice and support, and think about joining professional groups to broaden your network and create exciting opportunities.

3.  Upskill yourself: Continuously improving your skills and knowledge is essential in the legal profession. To increase your potential, take online courses, attend training programmes, or participate in workshops.

4.  Look for new challenges: If you feel like your current job isn't challenging enough, speak to your manager and ask for additional responsibilities or seek opportunities to take on new projects. Your skills will expand and develop as a result, increasing your value to your company.

5. Consider other options: If you feel stuck in your current position, look into alternative areas of the law or positions that interest you. A change of scenery might occasionally refresh your career.

6. Take calculated risks: Sometimes, taking a calculated risk can pay off. Consider stepping outside of your comfort zone and pursuing a new opportunity that could lead to career growth. This could include taking on a challenging case or working in a new area of law.

7.  Seek advice from a colleague: Asking a co-worker for advice can be beneficial when you're feeling stuck in your legal career. Colleagues can offer helpful suggestions on recognising areas of strength and growth.  They can also help you identifying your objectives and goals. When making important choices, colleagues can be an invaluable resource because they can provide a more independent and objective perspective. They might be able to see things you haven't thought about or offer input you wouldn't have otherwise gotten. When faced with difficult choices, colleagues can also provide insights based on their own knowledge or experiences, which can be very beneficial.

Remember, feeling stuck in your legal career is common, but acting and implementing these strategies can help you advance your career and achieve your long-term goals.


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