7 ways to improve your communication skills
Communication skills are vital for work, job searching and general day to day activities. Attending university, working, school, and daily life interactions typically contribute significantly towards improving communication skills. Investing additionally in making the way we communicate better often brings different benefits.
Some of the benefits at work are:
Improved professional relationships - internally and externally with clients.
Meetings go well or better.
Convey information in a better way.
A highly transferrable skill. Having effective communication skills is preferred in many professions, in the legal sector and beyond.
Having effective communication skills is essential for lawyers and other professionals in the legal industry. Perhaps because it involves regular interaction with clients.
According to the International Bar Association there are two main reasons why lawyers need to be effective communicators: Effective communication saves you (and your clients) time and money and improves client relationships. (“Why lawyers should never underestimate the importance of communication ...”)
Here is a list of seven ways to improve your communication skills:
Consider joining Toastmasters International
A possible option to enhance your communication skills is to join Toastmasters International. For those who want something hands-on and practical and at the same time enjoy meeting new people, Toastmaster is a viable way to work on improving communication skills. There are many clubs to choose from in various locations and there is an opportunity to compete in contests.
Reading books on improving communication skills
Reading books on communications skills is always a good idea. Especially for people who enjoy reading as a past time. There are many choices and books available. More specialised and tailored for the legal industry and generalist books for a wider audience. This allows for flexibility because it could be done at home, on holiday, or on the train / tube. Generally speaking books also increase vocabulary. Having a bigger vocabulary is always better. It makes you a better at communicating and expressing your ideas.
Ways to find good books on improving communication skills: a) ask in a library b) check reputable online sources c) ask in a book shop d) ask a colleague for recommendations.
Consider reading:
How to Argue & Win Every Time: At Home, At Work, In Court, Everywhere, Everyday - by: Gerry Spence (“How to Argue & Win Every Time: At Home, at Work, in Court, Everywhere ...”)
"Gerry Spence believes that everyone is capable of making the winning argument. As one of the most successful trial attorneys in the U.S., his advice is worth taking." (“53 Essential Books Every Lawyer Should Read | Clio”)
"This book is not about how to set up a winning argument, providing the best evidence, or the best case." It is about getting what you want by communicating effectively with others. (“53 Essential Books Every Lawyer Should Read | Clio”)
Attending industry specific conferences and professional events
An interesting idea is to attend industry specific events. There are many options available both at The Law Society and with other organisers. This not only increases your knowledge but provides an opportunity to network and speak with other professionals in your industry. Depending on the event it is sometimes possible to listen to lectures or attend workshops and seminars. You can observe how other people speak in public and give presentations. Also communicating with industry professionals in your profession / industry is an option to practise speaking and communicate on different topics.
Check for available internal training on communication skills
It is worth checking with an employer if they have internal training available on how to improve communication skills. Some organisations may have options available that could help you in your day-to-day work. In some instances, these offerings provided internally are free and you do not have to pay in addition. Having improved skills in this domain can potentially enhance your performance and results in a role. This is a winning approach for you and moves you one step further in your personal and professional development. It also benefits the organisation. Having someone with improved communication capabilities is likely to improve business performance.
External training courses on improving communication skills are also an option
There are many external training courses available. Not offered internally by an employer. It is important to check for reputable providers. The drawback is that in this case you are likely to pay yourself and do this in your free time. However, you have the flexibility to choose the type of course, the provider and think about personal preferences.
Appear in a TED talk.
TED talks are interesting and engaging and you can typically learn new things. Standing on a stage in front of many people is difficult but the experience is likely beneficial both for your personal and professional life. The work invested in such an experience could enhance communication skills. After all, preparing a presentation on a topic, practising, presenting, and dealing with potential fears on appearing on a stage would improve the ability to speak more comfortable and confidently in a professional setting at work.
Consider volunteering at work - organise a Christmas party or another activity.
Organising the Christmas party is an interesting approach to work on improving communication skills. Usually, it requires collaborating with different people on planning, organising, inviting and sometimes even being a host of the event. Perhaps the conversations are more casual, not work related, and not in formal meeting or work setting. However, it is a viable way to learn to speak with and interact with different people.
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Why lawyers should never underestimate the importance of communication ..., https://www.ibanet.org/lawyers-importance-communication.
How to Argue & Win Every Time: At Home, at Work, in Court, Everywhere ..., https://www.amazon.com.au/How-Argue-Win-Every-Time/dp/0312144776.
53 Essential Books Every Lawyer Should Read | Clio, https://www.clio.com/blog/best-books-for-lawyers/.