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South London Legal Partnership

About South London Legal Partnership
The South London Legal Partnership is hosted by the London Borough of Merton.
It is  a five borough shared service providing comprehensive and high quality legal services to combining the legal teams from Merton, Richmond, Kingston, Sutton and Wandsworth Councils.
South London Legal Partnership is divided into four teams:
Property and Commercial Team
– The team provides legal advice and support in relation to procurement, contracts, property and employment matters for all councils.
Litigation, Housing and Planning Team
– The team litigates on behalf of all the Councils in the civil and criminal courts. The team also advises on all planning and highways matters.
Social Care and Education
– the team provides legal advice and support to adults’ and children’s social care teams as well as to the education teams for all councils.
Practice Management Team – the team supports the legal service by providing administrative support to the legal officers and practice management support and information to legal services managers.
The service has two main office hubs in Wandsworth and Morden but there is flexibility to work across all 5 council  locations .

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