Recognition for the CPS
Carer confident
The Carer Confident benchmarking scheme assists employers to build a supportive and inclusive workplace for staff who are, or will become, carers and to make the most of the talents that carers can bring to the workplace.
Carer Confident employers recognise the importance of retaining valued members of staff, reducing absence and unnecessary recruitment costs, and increasing staff resilience, engagement and productivity.
The CPS received a Level 2 Carers Confident certificate which identifies the CPS as employers who are accomplished in providing support to staff who are carers. The CPS Carers Passport and Carers Charter were highlighted as examples of best practice.
Social Mobility Employer Index
The Crown Prosecution Service has been ranked 36th in the Social Mobility Employer Index 2022, the leading authority on employer best practice. Being part of the Index affirms their continuing commitment to supporting social mobility, empowering people from all backgrounds and improving the way the CPS find, recruit and develop all of their employees.
The Index was created by the Social Mobility Foundation in 2017 and ranks UK employers on the action they take to ensure they are open to and progressing talent from all backgrounds.
Working Families
The Crown Prosecution Service has been ranked in the top 10 employer for working families 2022. This recognises the CPS as an organisation that is leading the way in creating a family-friendly workplace that supports their employees.
The Top Employers for Working Families Benchmark has been developed to allow organisations to measure their work/life policies and activities against current practice, and to identify areas where future activities should be targeted.
The benchmark measures four key areas to build a comprehensive picture of the flexible and family friendly environment within an organisation.
Disability Confident Leader
This recognises the CPS as an organisation which plays a leading role in shifting attitudes towards disability and where disabled people and those with long-term health conditions have opportunities to fulfil their potential and realise their aspirations.
The CPS is one of only 10 Government departments who have achieved leader status.
Being part of the disability confident scheme focuses on making the most of the talents of disabled people through offering tools and techniques to support their recruitment and retention in the organisation.
The Good Recruitment Charter
The charter defines good recruitment practice through nine key principles that the organisations who sign up to the charter will aspire to.
Good recruitment helps organisations to acquire the talent they need in order to perform and grow. It provides great candidate experiences and helps ensure that the UK workforce is used to its full potential.